Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Happiness is...

listening to daughter #2 giggle as she "talked" to me

a cup of Yogi Tea "Green tea with pomegranate"

hearing the laughter of husband and daughter #1 as they played tag and hide and seek in the backyard

steak (cooked on the grill,) roasted potatoes (in olive oil and mural of flavor seasoning from Penzey's,) corn, and broccoli for dinner

doors and windows thrown open to enjoy the balmy 71 degree weather of coastal SC in January

singing along to one of my favorite Praise & Worship CD's while peeling potatoes

the sleeping face of daughter #2 nestled in the "snuggle pod" (aka-sling)

a whole day and night at home, no trips anywhere today

stealing kisses from husband and hoping the girls will go to bed early <3 <3


  1. Happiness indead - sounds lovely!

  2. "snuggle pod" if that is not the cutest thing I have ever, ever heard...and reading about all your happinesses sure makes me happy...no, happier. That and the fact that we get to have David home for good after tommorow.

  3. Anonymous11:08 AM

    OH. MY. GOSH!!!! I am sooooooooo sooooooo dreadfully jealous of your 71 degree weather. I'm almost in tears! I wish it was warm here. As I type this I am watching the blizzard like snow storm build up snow on our sidewalks again. *sigh* BBQs and games of tag in the back yard are still months off for us :(
    Well, I am so happy that you all get to enjoy yourselves there!! :)

  4. lovely lovely. especially the stealing kisses and bed to early girlies...
    this list makes me smile so big. So big. Your delightfull.
