Monday, February 25, 2008

Good morning Monday

I can't believe my last post was Tuesday.
I don't have a lack of things to say
(I never seem to have that problem)
rather an overabundance of things to say
and just not near enough hours in the day.
What a crazy busy week just pasted
and another one just getting started.
But I hope to do better this week.
Because I want to share a recipe,
do an all-Sadie~Rose post,
share some pictures,
a couple of links,
and just generally say "hello."
But, we are all doing good.
Nice weekend.
Saturday morning spent at the park,
Saturday afternoon spent in our backyard
Watched "Becoming Jane" in the evening
(so sad. I cried, but James McAvoy is delish)
Went to church and had Child dedication
(more about that later)
then to Babies R Us to get a "big girl" booster seat
for Miss Olivia who had finally decided it was time.
And then a trip to Costco
with lots of walking around and taste testing
Lunch at home and some hummus making.
(I adore Mike and his hummus. I could live on just it.)
"Holiday Inn" in the evening
curled up in bed together
with the baby sleeping
so peacefully beside us.
Life goes on,
sheets in the wash,
dishes in the drainer,
bills in the mailbox,
stacks of things to be taken care of.
How about a cup of tea?


  1. Your weekend sounded so perfectly sweet. :) So good to pop in here and find you busy and happy as usual. I loved this post and look forward to, hearing and seeing more of your beautiful little Rose bud, that recipe ( Mikes heavenly hummus, I hope? )and all the other things you have to share out of the abundance of your delightful little life. :)

    I dearly love you.

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Sounds like a wonderful weekend! So glad things are going smoothly in your corner of the world :)

  3. Oooooo, I wish I could pop over for a cup of tea...lovely. I do happen to have a Good Earth tea bag in my desk and I so I think I shall take a tea break too.
    Glad things are going well and looking forward to further posts and that recipe!

    Sarah :)

  4. Such a lovely post - simple and sweet, just like you!!!
    Looking forward to all thats to come....
