Monday, January 28, 2008

Our {white} Sunday

Here is our {white} Sunday.
We saw lots more, but this is all we took pictures of.
If you are playing along, please leave us a link in the comments!

Toothpaste is white (our's anyways.)

The milk {before the chocolate}

A nice big stack of diapers.

Our coffee table covered in Bibles, our Cleansing Stream workbooks, reference books, a burp cloth, and Mike's favorite mug. :)

One of my church's and a stack of books on top
of the bookcase.

The ivory's on the piano.

The lace on the cloth on the couch side table.

The entry way table with night-light angel and lamp.


  1. Such a fun, fun post...can't wait to see the rest...and I love the idea, of a treasure hunt for colors.

  2. Looks like so much fun!

  3. okay Fairlight.. uploading my white ones now. Hoping I can get to pink today, we will see..

    Love the milk... and how fun is this.. :)

  4. okay did mine, how fun... pink pink pink... there is plenty of that around this house.. now a year ago.. none at all... Im betting you have lots too...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Okay Fairlght, I think I'll join in on all the fun! Pink is going to be a tough one for me though, I don't have any sweet baby girls filling our home with pink stuff yet...

  7. we missed white yesterday...but i sent elizabeth on a pink hunt this our pink day is up! love all the white you found. this has been so fun...elizabeth calls everything "green" so it is great to be reinforcing other colors in a fun practical way!

  8. Anonymous7:30 PM

    How FUN! I didn't catch yesterday's white hunt but I love all your white things!!!
    I caught up with today's Pink and plan on getting the rest of the week's colors up as well :)
    Thanks for getting this up for all to enjoy!

  9. How very sweet and uplifting!
