Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our {pink} Monday

Finding pink things around our house was not hard.
The hard part was deciding what to take pictures of!

Now, on to the yellows!
We will definitely have to "hunt"for those!


  1. love these... you have lots of pink. I was suprised we didn't have as much as I thought... yellow will be sneaky too.. Im off to go find them..

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Sadies birth announcement.

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I love the one of the pink shoes! ;)

  3. answered your question over there... :) Hth.. I meant to type it all out over here..

  4. Yeah for lots of pink! Yellow was tough for me too!

  5. You girl know how to do pink...and everything is so, so pretty...here's to having all girls...BRING on the PINK...and I too am in love with the little rose-buds birth announcments...beautifully done...
    only one that could top that, is the tiny Sadie Rose herself...

  6. precious! i love the picture of the shoes...and all of them really...the pink baby is nice too! :)

  7. i love all the pink! especially that pink stool!
