Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Foux du Fafa

This makes me smile every time we watch it and Olivia and I sing it all day long.
Great way to teach your 4 year old some french. :)
Thank you Black Eiffel for sharing!

Foux Du Fafa

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  1. I haven't watched the video yet, but it looks like Flight of the Conchords to me. I adore those guys! They make me laugh, and I like to think that I am pretty discriminating when it comes to all things funny (please note the sarcasim there, everyone could safely say the same thing about their own taste). Anyway, I will watch soon, I have heard they have some new stuff out there.
    Thanks for the comment. I would love to hear more about the homebirth. Basically how you found a good midwife, preparation, any worries about safety or not etc. Feel free to send me an email if you would like, apolskaya(at)yahoo(dot)com.

    Sarah :)

  2. too funny.. totally enjoyed it.. and loved your pictures of your girls, really enjoying the little things. Especially how to take a peacefull shower.... Ry always sat in the bumbo, while I danced and sang songs.. Im sure it was quite a sight.. in retrospect... she may need therapy!

  3. Okay, that was FANTASTIC!

    I will download it and watch it daily! : )
