Friday, August 10, 2007

It is Friday isn't it?

My goodness! Friday has snuck up on me. The weeks just seem to be flying by. Pretty soon is will be fall and harvest time, pumpkins, mums, and Thanksgiving feasts will be occupying most peoples minds. But, I'm hoping to enjoy these last two months or so of summer. Here is some summer inspiration...
picnics are always lovely
trips to the beach with a whole gaggle of friends

fresh blueberries

who doesn't love ice cold lemonade?

vintage tablecloths drying on the clothes live, fluttering in the breeze.


  1. What a delcious slice of summer-happniness you have just blessed me with. And it was just the reassurance I am in need of, as I sit here wondering where our summer has gone, on this overcast, fallish feeling Friday.

  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Hi Fairlight :o) I followed your link from MSN and here I am! I've been here before but I love the way you've set the place up. Really nice summery feel - well done!
